Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The first week of the government shutdown has gone by and still no progress.  Republicans are refusing to raise the debt limit and Obama is determined not to give in on this issue.  The US may be facing the decision to default, which would cripple the US economy and also impact the global economy.  I believe that both sides are right in what they want.  The liberals want to raise the debt limit and the conservatives want to decrease the debt.  Because neither side can get what they want, why not do both? Raise the debt ceiling so that the government has breathing room to comfortably make decisions on how to lower the debt.  We need not be selfish as a nation to get what we want.  If we remain selfish and eventually default because of our stubbornness, the world economy would be crushed because so many countries rely on payment from the United States for bills. We should raise the debt ceiling and re-open congress so that the lives of other countries aren't ruined, then we can take care of our own policies.  Make congress publish a budget to hold them responsible and put responsible people in congress.  If we take these small steps, then we ca avoid disaster.


  1. Hey Luke, I am really frustrated right now because this is the third time I have tried to post a comment on your blog. Each time it gets deleted or lost or something and it is starting to really frustrate me. Basically, I loved your blog a lot. You used a ton of facts and gave data that seemingly would not support the desire to decrease emissions (economic downturn is a decrease in emissions). I loved to get to read about something that interests you. I am really impressed with your ability to be impartial on such a controversial topic. Sorry that this is so sloppingly worded but I have re-written this post like 6 different times and I am about to stop trying.

  2. Yeah Luke this is a weird and frustrating time as Caroline sAid, but I cannot believe it has taken this long for all of this to still be unsolved. Everywhere I go, even on other people's blogs its all about the shutdown. It like the government are really acting like a bunch of children!
