Thursday, October 3, 2013

It amazes me how as children we are taught how to share, compromise, and work together, yet we cannot exhibit those things when it comes to the US congress.  It is inexcusable how congress has refused to fund some of Obama's health care act.  It has already been passed, it has already been Supreme Court approved, so what's the hold up? This selfish act of some of the republican congressmen is detrimental to the whole nation.  If we live in a democracy, then officials we elect must learn to accept the democratic policy that sometimes the public will go against your opinion.  The refusal to cooperate has driven America into a government shutdown.  Everyone of those congressmen should be replaced because they have failed to prove productive.  It has been said that 10% of people are happy with the job congress has done.  My question is where are the 10% of America that actually approves? Those voting that way obviously are not educated about what congress has achieved.  Since I am under 18 I cannot vote, but I challenge you to vote for someone that YOU know will do a good job.  It is time to end the ignorance in America end the time of congress stubbornly arguing for hours only to accomplish nothing.  Please vote so that America can continue on as a nation.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on this Luke. It's funny how the government officials are acting like a bunch of kids who cannot get along on the playground! We are not accomplishing anything right now and we can't point fingers! Voting and encouraging voting is a good idea to help us in this time of shutdown.
