Sunday, November 24, 2013

A deal has been reached with Iran to slow their quest for nuclear weapons.  America wants Iran to give up on their nuclear program because they say it is a threat to the world's safety, but Rouhani insists that the nuclear program is merely for enrichment, and therefore their right.   My opinion on this problem is that all nuclear programs in the world should be ended, but since that does not seem like a likely situation, other strategies are needed.  It doesn't seem right to me that America has deemed theirselves the only responsible enough country to handle possession of nuclear weapons.  We say that Iran shouldn't have them because they are dangerous people who could blow up the whole world.  Don't get me wrong, I am a total patriot and give the military my 100% support, but I'm not sure if we can just declare that we are responsible enough to handle nuclear weapons.  I don't believe any country should have that right.  After all, America is the only in country in history to ever use a nuclear bomb on another nation, yet we think we are responsible enough to possess them?  The only way to make a step forward in world peace is to eliminate nuclear weapons on a global level.  No nation should be allowed to hold that much power.

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