Sunday, December 8, 2013

Nelson Mandela died Thursday which caused so many people worldwide to take a moment to remember his life out of respect.  By definition he was a socialist, but his policies fit the needs of South Africa.  He broke down so many barriers including his efforts to wipe racism out of South Africa.  He was a philanthropist to many organizations including his own foundation committed to HIV and AIDS research.  Though his rule in South Africa was short, his impact on South Africa will forever be felt.  In the very least, Nelson Mandela shows that different governments work for different countries.  America has a democracy based on limited government and we love it because it is our culture.  Under Mandela, South Africa has a socialist government which the citizens loved too because it was their culture and the fact that it worked so well.  This shows that for government, one size does not fit all, and is based off of the culture and people.

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