Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wherever you look, you can read about Syria.  A big question in America is to whether we should go to war against Syria and bomb their country.  Yes, it is sad that the government is using chemical weapons against people, but we don't really know a lot about these people in general.  In America, whether the government will tell this or not, people rioting against the government will be punished and tortured to give information.  We as Americans do not question this act because we deem it necessary because we trust our government to do the right thing.  I think it is time that America stops acting like the policeman of the world, and letting other countries rule how they want to.  Governments do not kill people, unless they feel that those people are dangers to society.  If the Syria thing results in civil war, we should leave them be because it is their responsibility to fix it.  During the American Civil War, Britain didn't bomb one side because they felt like they were bad; so neither should America.  In a "free country" we need to start letting other countries be free from our rule.


  1. I think sometimes the government intervening is a good thing , being that our nation has power world wide. I do agree the government should not intervene in every other nations affairs. Also think the government need to do everything in their power to protect us. Yes chemical weapons are a bit off the deep end but it's better to have it then to not have it.

  2. There are times where I feel the government does good things by intervening in other countries domestic problems. But Syria is such a hostile country with so much radical Islamic influence through their neighboring countries. This is their civil war and their governing body needs to fix their issues themselves.
