Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Every time a mass shooting happens, like the one at the naval yard yesterday, there is mass grief for the victims.  Soon afterwards, people advocate for stronger gun laws.  Many believe that it would be the most logical fix to a gun problem would be to take the guns out of the hands of people, thus eliminating the option for a shooting.  It is obvious that eliminating guns from citizens is impossible because the 2nd amendment guarantees the right to hold one.  Because we will never be able to eliminate guns in America, we need to think of smarter ways to eliminate these mass shootings.  The answer is not more guns either.  Because this shooting took place in a naval yard, it is easy to assume that many guns were at that facility.  The killing ended in a gun battle.  If the answer is not to eliminate guns and the answer is also not to have more guns, then what do we do? I think the quick answer is to elevate security.  Having metal detectors at every door in every institution would be quite a hassle, but it may be beneficial! Having a security guard everywhere would provide for more jobs, thus providing more safety and a better economy. Even though this is an awful suggestion, it seems like the best overall policy I've heard yet

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