Sunday, September 8, 2013

Everybody is talking these days about Syria and American intervention.  Many believe that we should help out against the evil Syrian government because they are using chemical weapons against its people, but many others think that we as a nation should not get involved because we will just go into more debt and have more American soldiers die.  Obama turned to congress to ask for their opinion after the Syrian government crossed the line by using chemical weapons.  Congress came to him and most said that their state says that we should stay out of intervening.  I believe that as a nation we must not be the leaders of the UN who are quick to jump to battle.  Because we are just returning our soldiers from the Iraq war and because we are in debt, I think we should be one of the countries who does not join the fight unless we have other countries who will fight with us.  Slowly in recent days, foreign governments have backed away and said that they do not want to get involved.     Because of this, I think America shouldn't play "big brother" to the world, but rather be independent.  In George Washington's farewell address, he advised America to not get involved in European wars.  I think we should stay out of intervention because it would put American lives at risk.

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